The Deutsches Museum - English Edition

For around 125 years, the Deutsches Museum has been an impressive testimony to mankind's insatiable curiosity and boundless inventiveness. It is one of the world's leading science and technology museums and houses one of the world's largest collections of masterpieces of science and technology.
With over 250 impressive pictures, this book provides an insight into the world of the Deutsches Museum. It traces its history, presents the 20 new and refurbished permanent exhibitions in the main building on Munich's Museum Island, but also introduces the four branch museums and everything else the Deutsches Museum has to offer - the archive, the library, the research institute and much more.
The biggest highlights from all areas will be presented, including iconic masterpieces such as the Benz patent motor car or Joseph von Fraunhofer's prism spectral apparatus, as well as sensational new objects and media stations such as the Sycamore quantum processor or the giant periodic table of elements. Of course, old and new crowd favourites will not be missing, including the Auntie Ju, Foucault's pendulum and the computer guitarist Fingers. Treasures from the archives and depots will also be presented - from the legendary Magdeburg hemispheres to Otto Hahn's laboratory book, in which he documented the discovery of nuclear fission.
Wolfgang M. Heckl
The Deutsches Museum
A fascinating insight into the world of the Deutsches Museum.
2025 Deutsches Museum
342 Pages
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